Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Perez Hillton sucks

As much as I have always ignored Perez's usual asshattery, this will.i.am thing is seriously ridiculous. How can somebody who supposedly crusades against bigotry use the very thing he hates to antagonize another person?

I recently admitted that I found a little more respect for one of the Duff girls (I don't know which one since I can't tell them apart) for "Don't use gay that way" commercials. One of my most hated things is people saying "that's gay." Absolutely hate it. And here goes Perez, a man who had a hissy fit over that Miss California thing, using a gay slur as an insult, admitting it publicly, and is upset that the gay community doesn't like his actions?

Seriously stupid.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Mattress Giant - Talking mattress sucks

One of the biggest signs that your ad department/agency is a little low on the creative side is that their big idea is to turn your product into a talking item. For mattress giant, this results in a giant mattress answering "customer letters."

Not only human mattress a bad idea, so is the customer letters. It's one of the more common ideas used and they're just poorly written. "Who is the woman doing the 'ooh ahh' noises at the end and can I date her?" First, the ooh ahh sound used in the commercial is one of the most unsexy sounding ooh ahhs I've ever heard so this guy hypothetical customer is really desperate (good form making your customers look desperate). I imagine it's some old lady stepping on a nail. Second, making the ooh ahh lady the mattress' mom is stupid. Why would a giant mattress have a mom? Where are the mattress naughty bits? How can you tell a male mattress from a female mattress? I'd actually assume all mattressi are female due to the "ess" (see seamstress, mistress, princess). That makes the mattress answering the questions a freak of nature (not that a talking mattress alone isn't a freak of nature).

What is the deal with making normally non-talking things talk in ads? Like the Antionio Banderas bee for whatever allergy med. That's the sort of commercial you save for Saturday morning cartoons. I don't think a child is going to be making the decision as to which mattress or medication to purchase. If that child is, shoot the parents please.

You should be appealing to your adult audience. Sexy ladies, barely wearing any clothes hinting that if you buy this mattress you'll have lots of sex. Much better campaign. Go now!

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Radio Stations, in general suck

Radio stations enjoy promotion how much music they play compared to other stations. 12 in a row. An hour...commercial free! Stuff like that.

But the thing is, they interrupt their twelve in a row or commercial free hour to tell you that they're going twelve in a row. It's no longer twelve in a row! Or if station decides to say "This is an hour of commercial free music as SUCKS101.3," it's no longer commercial free. You just ran an ad for your own station.

It's the "less talk" ads that really bother me. Because to tell you they're less talk, they must talk and talk repeatedly. Just seems a bit counterproductive to the message they're trying to send.

Maybe if they actually did any of these things they wouldn't have to try to pound it into our heads. Try showing, not telling.